Beck : negotiated family

Cards (6)

  • we're now more aware of risks as tradition has less influence and people have more choice
    -making choices involves calculating the risks & rewards if the different options open to us
  • patriarchal undermined by 2 trends

    -greater gender inequality : challenged male domination in all spheres of life, women now expect equality both in work & marriage
    -greater individualism : people's actions influenced more by calculations of own self-interest than sense of obligatioin to others
  • these trends in patriarchal family led to negotiated family
  • negotiated family
    -doesn't conform to traditional family norms
    -vary according to wishes & expectations from members
    -enter relationship on equal basis
  • less stable than patriarchal family

    -individuals free to leave if needs aren't met
    -instability leads to greater family diversity
  • the zombie family - Beck
    -appears to be alive
    -in reality is dead
    -people turn to the family in hopes of finding security but families now are more risky and uncertain than ever before