personal life perspective

Cards (14)

  • sociologists (Smart & May) agree that...
    -there's now more family diversity
  • sociologists (Smart & May) disagree with Becks & Giddens...

    -disagree with their explanation of family diversity
    -criticise the individualisation thesis
  • criticisms of individualisation thesis
    -exaggerates how much choice people have about family relationships
    -wrongly sees people as disembedded, independent individuals
    -ignores the importance of structural factors such as social class inequalities & patriarchal gender norms in limiting & shaping our relationship choices
  • Budgeon - criticising the exaggeration of individuals choice in IT

    -says it reflects the neoliberal ideology that individuals today have complete freedom of choice
    -in reality, traditional norms that limit people's relationship choice haven't weakened as much as the thesis claims
  • the connectedness thesis made in response to criticisms about the individualisation thesis
  • Smart - connectedness thesis
    -we are fundamentally social beings whose choices are always made 'within a web of connectedness'
  • according to the connectedness thesis, we live in...

    -networks of existing relationships
    -interwoven personal histories
    -these strongly influence our range of options & choices in relationships
  • Finch & Mason's study - connectedness thesis
    -although individuals can to some extent negotiate the relationships they want
    -they're also embedded within family connections & obligations
    -challenge notions of the pure relationship as families include more than just the couple Giddens focuses on
    > parents that separate remain linked by children
    -becomes impossible for relationships to end as they're interwoven
  • connectedness thesis emphasises role of class & gender structures in which they're embedded

    -these structures limit our choice about kinds of relationships, identities & families we can create
  • examples of class & gender in connectedness thesis
    > after divorce, gender norms dictate how women should have custody, limiting opportunity to form new relationships
    > men generally paid better, giving them greater choice & freedom
    > relative powerlessness of women & children compared to men means many lack freedom to choose so remain in abusive relationships
  • May - social structures aren't disappearing
    -they're being re-shaped
    -women now gained important rights but still don't 'have it all'
  • Einsadottir
    -while lesbianism is now tolerated, heteronormativity means many lesbians feel forced to remain 'in the closet'
    -limiting choices & relationships they form
  • personal life perspective emphasises importance of social structures in shaping the freedoms many people now have to create more diverse family types
  • personal life perspective emphasises the continuing importance of social structures

    -patriarchy & class inequality still restrict people's choices