Approaches in Psychology

    Cards (159)

    • What is the definition of psychology?
      Psychology is the scientific study of the brain and behavior.
    • Why is psychology considered one of the youngest fields of science?
      Because it started around 150 years ago.
    • Who is considered the first person to study behavior using scientific techniques?
      Wilhelm Wundt.
    • What are the key features of scientific study in psychology?
      • Systematic observation
      • Objective measurement
      • Empirical methods (observation and experimentation)
    • What does it mean for a study to be systematic?
      It means working according to a fixed or controlled method.
    • Why is objectivity important in psychological research?
      To ensure that personal opinions do not influence the research design, results, and conclusions.
    • What is empiricism in the context of scientific research?
      It is the idea that conclusions must be based on testing ideas with data collected from the world.
    • What is the significance of following the scientific method in psychology?
      It helps to trust the results of psychological studies.
    • Who is considered the father of experimental psychology?
      Wilhelm Wundt.
    • What was Wundt's approach to studying the mind called?
    • What method did Wundt use in his research?
    • What does introspection involve?
      Participants report their conscious experiences as objectively as possible.
    • How did Wundt control his studies?
      He controlled the experimental conditions and the environment.
    • What is an inference in psychological research?
      An inference is an educated guess about internal mental processes based on behavior.
    • What is a criticism of Wundt's introspective methods?
      Participants may not accurately report their own mental states.
    • What did behaviorists focus on in their research?
      Observable stimulus-response mechanisms.
    • What is the main idea behind social learning theory?
      Humans learn not just from direct experiences but also by observing others.
    • What do humanists argue about human behavior?
      Humans have free will in deciding how to act.
    • How do cognitive psychologists view the mind?
      They compare it to a computer, with inputs and outputs.
    • What has allowed psychologists to study the active brain in recent decades?
      The development of tools like fMRI scanners.
    • What are the main psychological approaches introduced in the timeline of psychology?
      • Structuralism (Wundt)
      • Psychodynamics (Freud)
      • Behaviorism (Pavlov, Skinner)
      • Social Learning Theory
      • Humanism
      • Cognitive Psychology
      • Biological Psychology
    • What did Freud develop in psychology?
      The psychodynamic approach.
    • What is a key concept of Freud's psychodynamic theory?
      The existence of an unconscious mind that directs behavior.
    • What did behaviorists reject in their approach to psychology?
      Introspection and the study of internal mental processes.
    • What do social learning theorists emphasize in their studies?
      The importance of internal mental processes in learning.
    • What do humanists focus on in psychology?
      Helping individuals achieve self-actualization.
    • How do cognitive psychologists explain mental processes?
      By creating theoretical models similar to computer software.
    • What is the significance of biological psychology in understanding behavior?
      It links behavior to biological and medical factors.
    • What is the role of fMRI scanners in psychology?
      They allow psychologists to study the active brain.
    • Who are often considered the first truly scientific psychologists?
      The behaviorists
    • Why do behaviorists focus on observable phenomena?
      Because they can only study what can be observed objectively
    • What is the relationship between stimulus and response in behaviorism?
      A stimulus leads to a response from the creature
    • What is a major sacrifice made by behaviorists in their research approach?
      They gave up studying internal mental processes
    • How do behaviorists view the brain?
      As a black box that is not objectively observable
    • What are the three features of the Psych Boost app?
      • Flashcards
      • Multiple choice quizzes
      • Key term tester
    • What are the two main types of conditioning discussed in behaviorism?
      Pavlovian classical conditioning and Skinnerian operant conditioning
    • What do behaviorists believe about the origin of behavior?
      It originates from interaction with the environment
    • What do behaviorists believe should be the focus of psychology?
      Only on objectively measurable behaviors
    • What is the definition of a stimulus in behaviorism?
      A stimulus is something applied to a subject that elicits a response
    • How do behaviorists view mental processes?
      As not directly observable and not measurable
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