nationalism = an ideology that has at it core the belief that nations are the only genuine community in society.
A nation is defined as a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory
self determination is when nations decide what is best for them and how they should be governed. it is basically independence.
there are 4 types of nationalism:
Anti/post colonialism
A nation state is when the people of that nation rule over their own e.g the french rule over france.
anti/post colonialism nationalism - this form of nationalism was created because of colonisation. The aim is to get rid of foreign rule and gain independence from their former masters. Examples include India and Africa.
colonialism = aka imperialism. the extension of control by one control over another by settlement or economic management.
Core ideas:
Recognise the nation as the basis of community
As long as people identify with characteristics they have in common they are considered a nation.
Integral nationalism =an intense for a patriotism in which people are absorbed into the nation.
CASE STUDY: The cricket test
This supports Conservative nationalism as the cricket manager stating that the Indians that come to England should should England nad not India as a sign of assimilation.
Liberal nationalist:
Are progressive - they seek modern solution and want to keep moving forward.
Are inclusive - they believe all cultures should be accepted and nation is where is believe you associate with. (Believe more in civic nationalism)
Right to self determination and therefore favour small states with the use of supranational institutions.
Conservative nationalism:
More regressive - as they are nostalgic and want to keep the traditions of the past. However will accept some changes.
Exclusive and inclusive- will accept other cultures and immigration but would expect assimilation.
Not against self-determination but traditional states or empire can still exsit. E.g. commonwealth.
Expansionist nationalism:
Regressive - seek to return back to a idealic state
Exclusive - believe that each nation has requirements own and that some are superior to others
Since some states are superior they don't accept self determination, high strong militarism.