Homeostatic Imbalances

Cards (7)

  • Deglutition - or swallowing, is a complex process that involves the coordinated activity of tongue, soft palate, pharynx, and esophagus
  • Emesis - or vomiting, is essentially a reverse peristalsis occurring in the stomach
  • Constipation - If food residue remains in the large intestine for extended periods, too much water is reabsorbed, and the stool becomes hard and difficult to pass
  • Diarrhea - or watery stools, result from any condition that rushes food residue through the large intestine before that organ has had sufficient time to absorb the water
  • Hematemesis - term for vomiting blood
  • Hematochezia - blood in the stool
  • Melena - black or tarry stools