Contribution Per Unit: Selling Price(per unit) - Variable Cost(per unit)
Break Even Point
Fixed Costs ∻ Contribution Per Unit
Margin of Safety: Actuallevel of Output - Breakeven level of Output
Market Size(VOLUME): Is the quantity of goods & services produced in a particular market over a period of time (1 year)
Market Size(VALUE): Is the total sales revenue generated from selling all of the good & services produced in a particular market over a period of time ( 1 year)
Sales Volume: Is the quantity of goods & services produced by a particular business over a period of time ( 1 year)
Sales Value: Is the total sales revenue of a particular business over a period of time ( 1 year)
Market Growth % in year X: Change in size of the market between year (x-1) and year x ∻ Size of market in yr (x-1)
Market Share %: Sales of one product/brand/business ∻ Total Sales in Market x 100
Sales Growth % in year X: Change in sales of product/business between yr (X-1) and yr X ∻ Sales of product/business in yr (X-1)
Total Costs
Fixed Costs + Variable Costs
Variable Costs(TOTAL VARIABLE COSTS): Variable Cost Per Unit x N.O Units Sold
Total Revenue(SALES REVENUE/TURNOVER): Selling Price Per Unit x N.O Units Sold
Market Capitalisation
N.OIssued Shares x Current Share Price
Price Elasticity of Demand (PED): % Change in quantity Demand ∻ % Change in Price
Income Elasticity of Demand (IED): % change in Income ∻ % change price
Added Value(VALUE ADDED): Sales Revenue - Costs of bought in goods & services
Labour Productivity
Output Per Time Period ∻ N.O Employees
Labour Turnover %: N.O Staff leaving during yr ∻ Average N.O Staff employed by business during yr x 100
Capacity Utilisation: Actual Output in given time period ∻ Maximum Possible Output in given time period x 100
Unit Costs: Total Costs Of Production ∻ N.O Units of Ouput Produced
Return On Investment (ROCE): Return On Investment £ ∻ Cost Of The Investment £ x 100