Social Influence
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Subdecks (5)
Psychology > Social Influence
1 card
Morell et al Study
Psychology > Social Influence
4 cards
Dispositional Factors
Psychology > Social Influence
15 cards
Bickman's Study (Uniform)
Psychology > Social Influence
25 cards
Situational Factors
Psychology > Social Influence
19 cards
Cards (73)
What is conformity?
Conformity is where you change your behaviour or beliefs in order to fit in with a group.
Why do we conform?
When we want to fit in
When we don't know how to act in a situation
What are the two types of social influence/conformity?
Informative: where we look to others as a source of information
Normative: changing our behaviour to fit in with a group
What is informative social influence?
Conforming to a group's beliefs or behaviours because we believe they have accurate information.
Looking to others as a source of information
What is normative social influence?
Normative social influence is where you conform in order to fit in with a group.
What is obedience?
Complying to the request of an authority figure.
What is minority influence?
Where a smaller group of people create a change of beliefs or behaviours of a larger group.
What is pro-social behaviour?
Social behaviour that benefits/helps others
What is anti-social behaviour?
Behaviour that causes harm or upset to others
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