Role of the church - Worldwide church

Cards (5)

  • What teachings should Christians follow?

    The parable of the sheep and the goats. It is important that all there actions are done with love.
  • What is Pax Christi
    an organisation that works internally for human rights and peace. it believes that violence should be avoided.
  • What work has CAFOD done in disaster zones?
    • Zambia - provided food for those affected by droughts, trained people how to grow food in community gardens, how to maintain and repair wells, and prepare for future droughts
    • Myanmar - support for poorest ppl and helping to deal with natural disasters
    • Ethiopia - solving the issue of malnutrition, provided animal feed to communities relying on herding, and tried to improve long term farming conditions.
  • What has Tearfund done?
    • Ethiopia - creating self-help groups to make country sustainable, emergency aid after droughts
    • Zambia - teaching skills to local people - planting crops to produce large amounts of food
    • Myanmar - focus on healthcare, set up training centre so locals can be trained as medical professionals to help local communities. over 480 ppl have been trained as community health workers with knowledge of medication and basic disease prevention techniques.
  • What does Christian Aid do?

    • Ethiopia 30 years - make communities more resilient to natural disasters - drought. it has been working to make health care better.
    • Myanmar - tackle violence and promote equality for all