Biological Rhythms

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  • Biological Rhythms - cyclical changes in the way that biological systems behave. These rhythms have evolved because the environment in which organisms live has cycles eg. day/night
  • Circadian Rhythm - a pattern that occurs every approx. 24 hours and is reset by environmental light eg. sleep/wake, temperature
  • Sleep wake cycle - refers to the alternating sleep and waking that are dependent on the 24 hour circadian cycle
  • Circadian Rhythm:
    • Light (exogenous zeitgeber) is detected by the eye's optic nerve
    • Brightness level message is sent to the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN), found in the hypothalamus
    • SCN informs the pineal gland, which secretes melatonin causing us to become sleepy
  • Biological rhythms are regulated by endogenous pacemakers and exogenous zeitgebers
  • Endogenous Pacemaker (internal cues) - internal mechanism eg. SCN that governs biological rhythms e.g sleepwake cycle
  • Exogenous Zeitgeber (external cues) - environmental events that are responsible for resetting the biological clock of an organism eg. social cues (meal times), light
  • Sleep Cycle (Stage 1): 4 - 5% (NREM)
    • light sleep
    • muscle activity slows down/occasional twitching
    • starting with alpha waves progressing to theta waves
  • Sleep Cycle (Stage 2): 45 - 55% (NREM)
    • light sleep
    • Breathing and heart rate slows
    • slight decrease in body temperature
    • starting with alpha waves progressing to theta waves
  • Sleep Cycle (Stage 3): 4 - 6% (NREM)
    • Deep sleep begins
    • brain begins to generate slow delta waves
  • Sleep Cycle (Stage 4): 12 - 55% (NREM)
    • very deep sleep
    • rhythmic breathing
    • limited muscle activity, brain produces delta waves
  • Sleep Cycle (Stage 5): 20 - 25% (REM)
    • rapid eye movement
    • brainwaves speed up and dreaming occurs
    • muscle relax and heart rate increases
    • breathing is rapid and shallow
  • Sleep cycle is a form of an ultradian pattern including REM and NREM and repeats every 90 mins for 5 stages
    • (REM) - Rapid Eye Movement
    • (NREM) - Non Rapid Eye Movement