Box plot median to the right (more spread out on negative side)
Positive skew-
Normal distribution tails towards positive
Box plot median to the left (more spread out on positive side)
Normal distribution even
Box plot mediancentral
Probability of mutuallyexclusive events-
P(A⋂B) = 0
P(A⋃B) = P(A) +P(B)
Probability of non-mutually exclusive events-
P(A⋃B) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A⋂B)
Independent events
The probability of each event happening doesn'tchange
P(A⋂B) = P(A) x P(B)
Generalrelationship (usually categorical or ordinal data), measured by Spearman's rank correlation coefficiant (SRCC)
Linearrelationship (continuous or normally distributed data), measured by Pearson's product moment correlation coefficient (PPMCC)
Null hypothesis-
H0, original probability
Alternative hypothesis-
H1, expectedchange from the original probability
Significance level-
Probabilitythreshold, to accept H0 it must be greater than the SL (need a significant amount for it to be true)
Probability of incorrectlyrejecting a hypothesis = significance level
The thing that's being tested
Hypothesis test concluding statements-
There is/isn't enough evidence to suggest at a _% significance level to suggest that the probability of (the situation) has increased/decreased from (original probability)
Carrying out a hypothesis test-
State H0 & H1
State the parameter & significance level
State the values of X, n & p for X~B(n,p) to be used & what X measures
Calculate the probability of a more extreme event than the given example occurring