Subdecks (1)

Cards (11)

  • What principle is fMRI based on
    The more activity in an area, the higher the blood flow to that area of the brain. This is to maintain the high activity, the brain area needs oxygen and nutrients, supplied by blood.
  • How do fMRI scanners work
    fMRI scanners use a magnetic field and radio waves to measure changes in blood flow and oxygenation caused by neural activity. Specifically measuring change in energy released by hemoglobin. This is used to identify which areas are active and consuming more oxygen
  • How are fMRI scans presented
    They're presented as a 3D activation map to identify active parts and localise functions.
  • How do you identify brain activity
    Patients go through an experimental task e.g. identifying faces and the brain activity during the experimental task is compared to the brain activity during the baseline task e.g. looking at a cross.
  • What shows stronger brain activity
    Areas with higher oxygen consumption show stronger brain activity. These come up as yellow or red on the activation map.