Cards (18)

  • Taxis
    A response to a stimulus that is directional
    • Movement towards or away from a stimulus
  • Tropism
    The growth response of a plant to directional stimulus
  • Organisms increase their chance of survival by responding to changes in their environment.
  • Auxin
    A class of plant hormones that control cell elongation
    • Not secreted.
  • Indoleacetic Acid (IAA)
    A plant growth factor that is a type of auxin and controls cell elongation.
    • Stimulates elongation in shoots
    • Inhibits elongation in roots
  • Kinesis
    A response to a stimulus that is non-directional, changing the speed at which an organisms moves and the rate at which its direction changes.
  • Negative tropism
    The growth of a plant away from a stimulus.
  • Phototropism
    A plant’s growth response to light.
  • Plant growth factors
    Hormone-like substances that control the growth of plants in response to external stimuli
  • Positive tropism
    The growth of plant towards a stimulus
  • Reflex
    A rapid, automatic response to a sensory stimulus by the body
    • Acts as a protective mechanism
  • Reflex Arc
    The pathway of neurons involved in a reflex action
    • Stimulus - Receptor - Sensory Neurone - Intermediate Neurone - Motor Neurone - Effector - Response
  • Taxis
    A response to a stimulus that is directional
    • i.e. the movement of an organism towards or away from a stimulus
  • Tropism
    The growth response of a plant to a directional stimulus
  • Gravitropism
    A plant’s growth response to gravity
  • Central Nervous System (CNS)
    The brain and spinal cord
  • Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
    Pairs of nerves that originate from the CNS and carry nerve impulses into and out of the CNS.
    • Divided into sensory and motor nervous system.
  • Response
    A change in an organism as a result of a stimulus