AO3 - Evaluation

Cards (3)

  • Aims and Hypothesis / Sampling
    + Sample contained range of ages, occupations and backgrounds = increase population validity
    + Self selecting sample = take research more serious + clearly given consent
    _ All male sample = beta bias - not easy to generalise to women
    _ Certain people might have volunteered = volunteer bias
    _ Limited pool of sample (New Haven) = harder to generalise to other cultures
  • Methodology
    + Measuring volts through observation = objective measure = increase reliability and decrease research bias
    + Interviews allowed open ended answers - ppts could explain reasoning for obedience = increase validity
    _ Observation of verbal and non verbal is open to observer bias = interpret behaviour as bein a result of stress to support = lowers validity
    _ Interviews open to social desirability = explain their reasons to make themselves look better
  • Location
    + Researcher controlled for EV's through standardised procedures e.g. same confederate and prods - allowed study to be repeated for reliability e.g. Burger 2009

    _ Lacks ecological validity as it is not everyday task in an everyday environment, psychology lab too artificial and does not represent real life locations of obedience