Left Realism

Cards (3)

  • Lea and Young
    Ethnic differences in stats reflect real differences, in the different levels of offending
    • crime is a result of material deprivation, subcultures and marginalisation
    • racism has led to marginalisation and economic exclusion of ethnic minorities
    • media promotes relative deprivation, setting materialistic goals that many ethnic minorities can't reach legitimately due to discrimination
  • Lea and Young
    Recognise that that racist policing leads to unfair criminalisation of some ethnic minorities
    • even if police are racist, it's unlikely to account for the ethnic differences in the stats
    • police racism can't explain higher conviction rate of blacks compared to Asians, would have to be selectively more racist to blacks
  • Lea and Young conclude that:
    • Stats represent real differences in offending between ethnic groups
    • Differences are caused by relative deprivation and marginalisation