
Subdecks (2)

Cards (26)

  • Official stats
    Show ethnic differences in likehood of being involved on the criminal justice system
    • e.g. blacks are 7x more like than whites to be stopped and searched
  • Victim Surveys
    • Asks victims to say what crimes they've been a victim of
    • May ask about ethnicity of person who committed crime against them, relying on memory and assumption
    • Black people are more likely to be identified as the offender in muggings
    • Limitations and exclude white and corporate crime so we don't learn about the ethnicity of these offenders
  • Self-report studies
    Asks individuals to disclose crimes they've committed
    • Graham and Bowling - found blacks and whites had almost identical rates of offending while Asians had lower
  • Policing
    Philips and Bowling - many allegations of oppressive policing of ethnic minorities : mass stop and search operations, excessive surveillance, police violence
    • minorities more likely to think they're over-policed and under protected
  • Stop and search
    • Black people 7x more likely to be stopped and searched than white, Asian people 3x under the Terrorism Act 2000
    • Only small proportion of searches result in an arrest, shows police abuse power to be racist
  • Stop and search
    Ethnic differences in offending may reflect possibility that some ethnic groups are more likely to offend than others, police simply acting on relevant information about specific offender
  • Stop and search
    Members of ethnic groups may be stopped because of police racism
    • in high discretion stops, police act without specific information and are more likely to discriminate
  • Stop and search
    Ethnic minorities are over-represented in groups most likely to be stopped regardless of their ethnicity, e.g. young, unemployed
  • Application of stop and search
    Stephen Laurence - institutional racism in the met. police force was killed by police
    • Canteen culture = in the police force. some officers make jokes about minorities and it's normalised
  • Arrests and cautions
    Arrests rate for black people is over 3x higher than white, however once arrested blacks and Asians are less likely to receive a caution
    • ethnic minorities may not receive a caution because they don't admit to the offence, more likely to be charged
  • Prosecution and trial
    CPS decides whether a case brought by police should be prosecuted
    • CPS more likely to drop cases against minorities than whites, blacks and Asian defendants less likely to be found guilty
    • when cases go ahead, ethnic minorities more likely to elect for Crown Court trial by jury rather than magistrates court > may be due to mistrust of magistrates impartiality
    • Crown Court impose harsher sentences
    • Suggests evidence against minority defendants is often weaker and possibly based on police stereotyping
  • Sentencing and prison
    Jail sentences are given to greater percentage of black defendants
    • Hood = found black men were 5x more likely to be jailed even considering previous convictions and the seriousness of the offence