a) Absolute and comparative advantage

Subdecks (2)

Cards (30)

  • What effect does international trade have on prices and the variety of goods/services available to a nation?
    It decreases prices and increases the variety of goods/services.
  • How does international trade impact the standard of living?
    It results in a higher standard of living.
  • Who developed the theory of comparative advantage and in what year?
    David Ricardo in 1817.
  • What does the theory of comparative advantage state?
    A country should specialize in goods/services it can produce at the lowest opportunity cost.
  • What is the result of a country specializing in production according to comparative advantage?
    The volume of production increases.
  • What can be done with excess production from specialization?
    It can be exported.
  • What can countries do with goods/services that are not produced domestically?
    They can be imported.
  • What is absolute advantage?
    It occurs when a country can produce a product using fewer factors of production than another country.
  • Can a country have absolute advantage without having comparative advantage?
    Yes, a country may have absolute advantage but still not have comparative advantage.
  • In what type of goods/services should a country produce if it has comparative advantage?
    Goods/services in which it has comparative advantage.