cognitive development - piaget's proposal of stages of cognitive development reflecting the sophistication of a child's thinking, sees a child's mind as a computer that gradually develops in processing ability
mood disorders - ellis believes emotional and behavioural disorders develop because of irrational thoughts and beliefs
memory - memory models have allowed us to understand cognitive processes further
scientific and objective methods
cognitive approach employs methods of study to enable researchers to infer cognitive processes involving the use of lab experiments to produce reliable, objective data
external validity
cognitive psychs can only infer about mental processes from behaviour that they observe
-ve is that suffers from being too abstract and theoretical and experimental studies on cognitive processes carried out using artificial stimuli do not represent real life
soft determinism
recognises that our cognitive system can only operate within limits of what we know, but we are free to think before responding to a stimulus
interactionist approach, rather than hard determinism suggested by other approaches
machine reductionism
computer analogy has been criticised for this: ignores the influence of emotion and motivation on the cognitive system and how this affects our ability to process information
e.g. human memory can be affected by emotional factors