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  • Britain, France and Israel made a secret plan, Israel would invade Egypt whilst Britain and France were to occupy and act as ‘peacemakers’ of canal zone
  • 29th October 1956: Israel invades Egypt, and advanced across Sinai to Suez Canal, 30th October 1956: Britain and France order 10 mile withdrawal from canal zone, threatening force if they refused
  • 31st: Israelis accepted, Egyptians refused so British and French planes bombed Egyptian airfields, 5th Nov: British and French troops landed at port Eygpt responded by sinking ships
  • UN, Arab nations condemned Anglo-French action, and halted oil supplies to West; also US condemned, worried these actions would lose Arab support, needed to prevent soviet extension
  • US government threatened to cut financial aid to Britain, ruin economy, and withhold oil supplies, Soviet threatened military force against them, so 6 November UN declared ceasefire
  • As British and French influence was essentially over, USA stepped up in their role as a world superpower by creating Eisenhower Doctrine in 1957
  • Suez War '56
    • Brit, France + Israel make secret plan
    • I invade E
    • A-F occupy canal zone ‘peacemakers’
    • 29 Oct: I invades Sinai to Suez
    • 30: Anglo-French order 10-mile canal withdrawal, threat force
    • 31: I accept, E refuse, A-F planes bomb airfield
    • 5 Nov: A-F troops land at port, E did ship sinking
    • UN, Arabs condemn A-F, halt oil supply
    • US condemn, worry actions lose A support
    • Needed to prevent soviet extension
    • Threat cut B financial aid
    • Ruin economy
    • Withheld oil
    • Soviet threat military
    • 6 Nov UN declare ceasefire
    • Anglo-French influence over
    • ‘57 Eisenhower Doctrine