Britain, France and Israel made a secret plan, Israel would invade Egypt whilst Britain and France were to occupy and act as ‘peacemakers’ of canal zone
29th October 1956: Israel invades Egypt, and advanced across Sinai to Suez Canal, 30th October 1956: Britain and France order 10 mile withdrawal from canal zone, threatening force if they refused
31st: Israelis accepted, Egyptians refused so British and French planes bombed Egyptian airfields, 5th Nov: British and French troops landed at port Eygpt responded by sinking ships
UN, Arab nations condemned Anglo-French action, and halted oil supplies to West; also US condemned, worried these actions would lose Arab support, needed to prevent soviet extension
US government threatened to cut financial aid to Britain, ruin economy, and withhold oil supplies, Soviet threatened military force against them, so 6 NovemberUN declared ceasefire
As British and French influence was essentially over, USA stepped up in their role as a world superpower by creating Eisenhower Doctrine in 1957
Suez War '56
Brit, France + Israel make secret plan
I invade E
A-F occupy canal zone ‘peacemakers’
29 Oct: I invades Sinai to Suez
30: Anglo-French order 10-mile canal withdrawal, threat force
31: I accept, E refuse, A-F planes bomb airfield
5 Nov: A-F troops land at port, E did ship sinking