Established after World War I, the Weimar Republic faced numerous challenges, including economic difficulties, political extremism, and social unrest
Many Germans were upset with the Treaty of Versailles, which imposed heavy reparations and loss of land
Rise of Nazi Party
Adolf Hitler joined the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP) and quickly rose to a leadership position
The Nazi Party used propaganda to promote nationalism and anti-Semitism
The 1929 GreatDepression worsened conditions, allowing the Nazis to gain significant support (they promised that they would make peoples condition better)
Hitlers appointment of Chancellor (1933)
Hitler appointed Chancellor
The Reichstag Fire in February 1933 allowed Hitler to push through the Reichstag Fire, limiting the rights of individuals
The Nazis claimed that the communists were about to stage a takeover as a Dutch communist VanderLubbe was found at the building
Weimar Republic Weakness
German people were unhappy about how they handled GreatDepression and wanted a strong leadership
Nazis presented themselves as stable and promised bread and work
Hitler promised rearmament
Fear of communism - Nazis presented as only to save Germany from a communist takeover, therefore gaining support
Enabling act 1933 allowed Hitler to pass laws without the Reichstag
Reason for Dictatorship - weaknesses of WeimarRepublic, economic crisis (GreatDepression), Fear of communism, Propaganda (Nazis portrayed themselves as saviour of Germany), violence, Enabling Act 1933