religion can be a source of identity on a worldwide scale
some religious communities are imagined communities interacting through the use of the media
Pentecostal religious groups often flourish in 'impersonal' areas
Bruce: two counter trends going against secularisation theory
cultural defense
cultural transition
cultural defense: religion provides a focal point for the defense of national, ethnic, local or group identity in the struggle against an external force
cultural transition: religion provides support and community to migrants
But... Bruce argues that religion only survives in these situations because it becomes the focus of group identity
eg: church going declined in Poland after the fall of communism
religion is not declining by simply changing
Secularisationtheory is one sided and focuses on the decline of religion and ignores religious revivals
Evidence of falling churchattendance ignores how people can believe without attendance
religion may be declining in Europe but not globally
Religious diversity allows for religious choice. There is no overall downward trend