Spiritual Revolution

Cards (5)

  • Traditional Christianity is giving way to 'holistic spirituality'
  • Increased spirituality exemplified by the growth of the 'spiritual market'
  • Heelas and Woodhead 2005:
    1. Congregational Domain of traditional and evangelical Christianity
    2. Holistic Milieu of spirituality and the New Age
  • Heelas and Woodhead 2005: in a typical week 7.9% of Kendal attended church and 1.6% took part in activities of the holistic milieu
  • Heelas and Woodhead 2005: the growth of the holistic milieu
    1. Subjective turn in culturae away from outside authority to exploring your inner self
    2. evangelical churches increasing as they demand discipline and duty but also spiritual healing and growth with the experience of being 'born again'