Roger W. Sperry right and left brain research (1960)

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  • this theory is based on the fact that the brain's two hemispheres function differently
  • this first came to light in the 1960s, thanks to the research of psycho-biologist and nobel prize winner Roger W. Sperry
  • the left brain is more verbal, analytical and orderly than the right brain
  • the left brain is sometimes called the digital brain and it is better at things like reading, writing and computations
  • a team of neuroscientists set out to test this premise. in a 2013 research review they found no proof that this theory was true
  • magnetic resonance imagine of 1000 people revealed that the human brain doesn't actually favour one side over the other. The networks on one side aren't generally stronger than networks on the other side
  • left brain functions-
    • analytic thought
    • logic
    • language
    • science and math
  • right brain functions-
    • holistic thought
    • intuition
    • creativity
    • art and music