evaluation of cultural bias

Cards (4)

  • there is clear evidence of cultural bias in psychological research;
    SMITH and BOND found that in European social psychological textbooks, 66% of studies were American, 32% European and 2% from the rest of the world
  • carrying out cross cultural research doesn't always reduce cultural bias in psychology;
    e.g. issues with cross cultural research can be ethnocentric measures devized in the west being used to judge other cultures
  • a true understanding of other cultures is unlikely to be gained by Western psychologists who will be biased by their own cultural beliefs.
    For completely unbiased research it would be necessary for indigenous researchers to carry out the research who have a detailed understanding of the culture being studied
  • with improved communication in the worldwide academic community and more travel opportunities, there is a worldwide psychology community developing.
    Ther are now international psychology conferences being held, giving researchers from many cultures the opportunity to discuss the ideas and collaborate