
Cards (45)

  • What is the significance of Wilhelm Wundt in psychology?
    He is considered the father of experimental psychology
  • Where did Wundt set up the world's first psychological laboratory?
    Leipzig, Germany
  • What was the main focus of Wundt's research?
    To use controlled empirical scientific research techniques to study the mind
  • What experimental technique did Wundt use in his structuralism research?
  • What were participants trained to do in Wundt's introspection method?
    To report conscious experiences objectively
  • How did Wundt's work influence subsequent scientific psychologists?
    His systematic approach inspired later scientific methods in psychology
  • What is a criticism of Wundt's introspective methods compared to modern techniques?
    They are considered subjective and not truly scientific
  • What did behaviorists reject in their study of psychology?
    The study of internal mental states
  • What is classical conditioning according to Pavlov?
    Learning by association between a neutral stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus
  • What was the neutral stimulus (NS) in Pavlov's experiment?
    A bell
  • What did Pavlov's findings demonstrate about the dogs?
    They learned an association between the neutral stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus
  • What is operant conditioning according to Skinner?
    Learning by reinforcement of voluntary responses
  • What did Skinner's research with rats demonstrate?
    Positive and negative reinforcement influence behavior
  • What is a criticism of Pavlov and Skinner's use of animal subjects?
    Their findings may not be generalizable to human behavior
  • What is vicarious reinforcement in social learning theory?
    Learning by observing someone being rewarded for a behavior
  • Who conducted the Bobo doll study?
  • What was the main finding of the Bobo doll study?
    Children exposed to an aggressive model were more likely to be aggressive themselves
  • How does social learning theory differ from behaviorism?
    It includes cognitive processes that occur between stimuli and responses
  • What is the role of schemas in cognitive psychology?
    They act as mental shortcuts to understand and navigate the world
  • What is the computer model in cognitive psychology?

    An analogy between the operation of a computer and the human brain
  • What does cognitive neuroscience aim to study?
    The neurological structures and processes linked to internal mental processes
  • What is the role of neurotransmitters in behavior?
    They enable communication between neurons
  • How do genes influence behavior?
    They determine how the brain and neurons are formed and function
  • What is a criticism of the biological approach to psychology?
    It may overlook environmental factors influencing behavior
  • What is the tripartite structure of personality according to Freud?
    It consists of the ID, ego, and super ego
  • What are defense mechanisms in Freud's theory?
    Strategies used by the ego to manage conflicts
  • What happens if a child cannot resolve a psychosexual stage according to Freud?
    They become fixated, affecting their adult personality
  • What is a criticism of Freud's theories?
    Many lack scientific credibility and are untestable
  • What is the focus of humanistic psychology?
    Personal growth and self-actualization
  • What is Maslow's hierarchy of needs?
    A theory that outlines the stages of human needs from basic to self-actualization
  • What is congruence in humanistic psychology?
    The alignment between perceived self and ideal self
  • What is a criticism of humanistic psychology?
    It lacks empirical evidence and relies on qualitative methods
  • How has Maslow's hierarchy of needs been applied in the real world?
    It has improved performance in sports and employee satisfaction
  • What is the main criticism of humanistic psychology regarding cultural bias?
    It emphasizes individualism, which contrasts with collectivist cultures
  • What is the significance of the psychodynamic approach in modern psychology?
    It has influenced many psychological theories and practices
  • How does the psychodynamic approach explain the influence of early childhood experiences?
    They shape adult personality and behavior
  • What is the role of the therapist in client-centered therapy?
    To assist clients in achieving congruence through unconditional positive regard
  • What is the main goal of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)?
    To help clients change negative thought patterns
  • What is the significance of the biological approach in psychology?
    It emphasizes the influence of biological structures and processes on behavior
  • How does the biological approach explain the influence of neurotransmitters on behavior?
    They play roles in communication between neurons and influence various behaviors