Knee & Patella

Cards (51)

  • What is the largest sesamoid bone ?
  • What are the two aeas of the patella ?
    Apex (inferior)
    Base ( superior )
  • Between what age does the patella develop ?
    3-5 years of age
  • How many ligaments in the knee ?
  • How many cruciate ligaments in the knee joint and what are they ?
    2 : posterior cruciate and anterior cruciate
  • How many collateral ligaments are in the knee joint and what are they ?
    2 ; Tibial Collateral and Fibular Collateral
  • What are the two fibrocartilage disks in the knee ?
    Lateral Meniscus and Medial Meniscus
  • Which Meniscus is connected to the fibula ?
    Lateral meniscus
  • Which meniscus is connected to the tibia ?
    Medial meniscus
  • What has the function of providing stability for knee and act as schock absorber ?
    the menisci
  • What type of joint space is the patellofemoral joint ?
    synonival gliding
  • What can the gliding joint allow you to do ?
    flexion and extension
  • Which joint is the largest joint in the body ?
    femorotibial joint
  • What type of joint space is the femerotibial joint ?
    synovial modified-hinge
  • What does a synovial modified-hinge allow you to do ?
    flexion, extension , medial rotation , and lateral rotation
  • displacement of a bone form the joint space
  • What is the central ray for a AP KNEE ?
    Directed to a point 1/2 inck inferior to the patellar apex
    18cm : 5 caudad
    19-24cm: Perpendicular
    25cm : 5 cephalad
  • Where is the IR located during a AP KNEE ?
    under the patient's knee, flex the joint slightly. Center the IR about 1/2 inch below the patellar apex. ( centered to the knee joint ) .
  • What is the collimation for a AP KNEE ?
  • What should be symmetrical on a AP KNEE ?
    femoral condyles
  • What needs to be centered on a AP KNEE ?
    intercondylar eminence
  • What joint space should be open during an AP KNEE ?
    femorotibial joint space
  • What should be superimposed during an AP KNEE ?
    Patella completely superimposed on the femur
  • What shouldnt be rotated during a AP KNEE ?
  • What side should the patient be turned on during LAT KNEE ?
    affected side
  • What should not be rotated during a LAT KNEE ?
  • What degrees should the knee be flexed because it relaxes the muscles and shows the maximum volume of the joint cavity ?
    20-30 degrees
  • Where is the CR located during a LAT KNEE ?
    1 inch distal tothe medial epicondule at an angle of 5 to 7 degrees cephalad
  • Where should the IR located duringa LAT KNEE ?
    perpendicular to the epicondyle and patella
  • What is the collimation for a LAT KNEE ?
    8 X 10 1 inch the patella and 1 inch beyond the posterior shadow
  • What reveals narrowing of a joint space that appears normal on a non-weight-bearing study ?
    weight-bearing study
  • Where is the location of the PATIENT during a WEIGHT-BEARING AP ?
    center the patients knees to the middle of the IR
  • inverted knee ( knocked knee)
  • external rotation of the tibia ( bowlegged)
  • build-up of fluid ( dark area )
    joint effusion
  • when the patella has broken free from ligament ( can be repaired by surgery)
  • What has the evaulation criteria for a AP WEIGHT-BEARING ?
    both knees without rotation
    joint spaces centered to the exposure area
  • Where is the IR centered during a AP WEIGHT-BEARING ?
    1/2 inch below the apices of the patellae
  • Where is the CR located during a AP WEIGHTBEARING ?
    horizontal and perpendicular to the center of the IR , entering at a point 1/2 inch