ATI -TEAS Practice Exams

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Cards (5712)

  • Which cell type provides a waterproofing function for the outer layers of skin?
    1. Keratinocytes
  • What protein do keratinocytes contain that aids in their function?
  • Where are keratinocytes produced?
    In the epidermis
  • What prevents water entry between keratinocyte cells?
    Tight junctions
  • What eventually forms a layer of dead cells on the skin surface?
  • What effect do keratinocytes have on the skin?
    They produce a waterproofing effect
  • What happens to liver cells when a person is suddenly frightened?
    Liver cells release glucose into the blood stream
  • What hormone causes liver cells to break down glycogen?
  • What do kidneys remove from the blood?
    1. Salts
  • Which cell structure is responsible for recycling materials no longer functional within the cell?
    1. Lysosome
  • What are patellae classified as?
    1. Sesamoid bones
  • What do surfactants prevent in the lungs?
    They prevent the lungs from collapsing
  • What are surfactants composed of?
    They are lipopolysaccharides with hydrophobic and hydrophilic layers
  • What does electron microscopy improve the study of?
    The structure of cellular organelles
  • Which artery supplies oxygenated blood to the reproductive system?
    1. Gonadal artery
  • What connects two bones together?
    1. Ligament
  • What is the function of villi and microvilli in the intestine?
    They increase surface area for absorption
  • Which cell type is responsible for the production of soluble antibodies?
    1. B-cell
  • What disease is associated with the absence of insulin?
    Type I diabetes
  • What does demyelinization disrupt?
    Propagation of an action potential along the axon
  • Which bone is classified as a flat bone?
    1. Rib
  • What is the chromosomal composition of a normal human zygote?
    1. 46 chromosomes
  • What is the structure and function of the cell membrane?
    A phospholipid bilayer with embedded proteins regulates molecules entering and leaving cytoplasm
  • What hypothesis is being tested by adding activated charcoal to the soil around Weed B?
    Weed B produces an organic compound that inhibits root growth for Weed A
  • In which part of the body do T-cells mature?
    1. Thymus
  • Which combination will produce only offspring with pink eyes in the scenario of purple eyes being dominant?
    1. Ff x ff
  • What is the respiratory system responsible for?
    Taking in oxygen from the environment and releasing carbon dioxide
  • What are the structures of the respiratory system?

    mouth, nose, nostrils, throat, larynx, thracea, bronchi, bronchiole, right lung, and left lung
  • What does the nose do?

    Let in oxygen and let out co2
  • What is the larnyx?

    voice box
  • what is the trachea?

  • What is is the bronchioles?

    Extension of the bronchi
  • What are alveoli?

    sacs at the end of each bronchoiles
  • What is. the function of the respiratory system?

    -exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide.
    - to maintain pH in the blood oxygen passes from the alveoli into the blood the air will flow into your lungs
  • What disease affect the respiratory system?

    Asthma, Bronchitis, Pneumonia
    (The passage way is narrow)
  • What is the Cardiovascular system made of?

    the heart, blood vessel, and the blood
  • What are the four chamber?
    Right Atrium, Left Atrium, Right Ventricle, and Left Ventricle
  • What is the Septum?

    Separates the right and left chambers
  • What are the blood vessels?

    Veins, Arteries, and capillaries
  • What are veins?

    they take blood to the heart
    the blood is deoxygenated