
    Cards (10)

    • Interviews are a self report method they involve is liar characteristics to questionnaires but are normally front to face.
    • Interviews are best suited when rich qualitative data is required
    • Structured interviews have predetermined questions in a set order. Tend to involve closed questions and quantitive data
    • Unstructured interviews involve questions that are not in a set format. They are informal with only a set topic phrasing is all up to the interviewer. The data is qualitative and open questions
    • Semi structured interviews have set questions but leave the interviewer to explore the answers further. They can produce qualitative or quantitive data
    • Good practice in interviews
      • Establish rapport (for honesty getting a higher validity)
      • Non-judgmental langauge
      • No leading questions
      • Ethical issues avoided by using sensitivity and confidentiality
    • Researcher bias
      • Gender ethnicity status and personality
      • Leading questions (interviewers expectations)
    • Interviews do not establish a cause and effect relationship
    • Structured interviews may simplify complex human behaviour or meaning may be lost due to restricted detail leading to a drop in validity
    • Unstructured interviews lack reliability as they are hard to replicate
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