Global Context and Soviet Threat: Eisenhowerdoctrine was response to potential global war, from Soviet Union's possible involvement in Egypt; Anglo-French power decline contributed to a power vacuum
Nasser's Influence: Doctrine aimed to counter Nasser's growing power, Nasser played USSR and US against each other, adopted 'positive neutrality' and accepted Soviet aid, Nasser's influence rose despite doctrine
Nasser's Dominance: Regionally, it provided Nasser alternative, but by 1959, his power had risen, he could shape leadership in neighbouring Arab countries, US shifted to accommodating as his relationship with Soviets deteriorated
Middle East's Importance: Middle East crucial for future US foreign policy, due to oil reserves, US opposition to Anglo-French collapsed their influence; Soviet domination concern, especially with Nasser's pro-Soviet alignment
Policy Reversal and Military Responsibility: Doctrine represented reversal of previous policy, as US now shouldered burden of military action in Middle East, emphasising region's significance for US interests and alliances