Why did Eisenhower create his doctrine?

Cards (5)

  • Global Context and Soviet Threat: Eisenhower doctrine was response to potential global war, from Soviet Union's possible involvement in Egypt; Anglo-French power decline contributed to a power vacuum
  • Nasser's Influence: Doctrine aimed to counter Nasser's growing power, Nasser played USSR and US against each other, adopted 'positive neutrality' and accepted Soviet aid, Nasser's influence rose despite doctrine
  • Nasser's Dominance: Regionally, it provided Nasser alternative, but by 1959, his power had risen, he could shape leadership in neighbouring Arab countries, US shifted to accommodating as his relationship with Soviets deteriorated
  • Middle East's Importance: Middle East crucial for future US foreign policy, due to oil reserves, US opposition to Anglo-French collapsed their influence; Soviet domination concern, especially with Nasser's pro-Soviet alignment
  • Policy Reversal and Military Responsibility: Doctrine represented reversal of previous policy, as US now shouldered burden of military action in Middle East, emphasising region's significance for US interests and alliances