menstrual cycle

Cards (76)

  • What hormones are high at the beginning of the cycle?
    FSH and LH
  • What is the role of FSH and LH at the beginning of the cycle?
    To stimulate egg production
  • What does the production of estrogen do during the cycle?
    It thickens the uterus lining
  • What happens to LH, FSH, and estrogen levels when the egg is released?
    They decrease
  • What hormone is released to maintain the uterus lining after the egg is released?
  • What occurs if the egg is not fertilized?
    Progesterone levels decrease
  • What happens to the uterus lining if the egg is not fertilized?
    It breaks down, causing menstruation
  • What are the main hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle?
    • High levels of FSH and LH stimulate egg production
    • Estrogen thickens the uterus lining
    • After egg release, LH, FSH, and estrogen decrease
    • Progesterone maintains the uterus lining
    • If unfertilized, progesterone decreases and menstruation occurs
  • How often does the menstrual cycle happen?
    Approximately every 28 days
  • What is released from the ovaries during each cycle?
    An egg cell
  • What happens to the uterus wall during the menstrual cycle?
    It thickens by filling with blood capillaries
  • Why does the uterus wall thicken?
    To prepare for a potential pregnancy
  • What occurs if the egg is fertilized?
    A pregnancy may occur
  • What happens if the egg is not fertilized?
    The egg dies and menstruation occurs
  • What is expelled from the body during menstruation?
    The dead egg cell and old uterus lining
  • What is the term used for the process of expelling the dead egg cell and old uterus lining?
  • What is commonly referred to as a "period"?
    The process of menstruation
  • What does FSH stimulate in the ovaries?
    Egg maturation
  • How does rising oestrogen affect FSH levels?
    It inhibits the release of FSH
  • What is the effect of oestrogen on egg maturation?
    Prevents more than one egg maturing
  • What triggers the release of LH?
    Rising levels of oestrogen
  • What occurs at about day 14 of the menstrual cycle?
  • What happens to the empty follicle after ovulation?
    It becomes the corpus luteum
  • What hormone does the corpus luteum produce?
  • What is the role of progesterone in the menstrual cycle?
    Inhibits the release of FSH and LH
  • How does high progesterone affect the uterus?
    Helps maintain the lining of the uterus
  • What triggers menstruation if fertilization does not occur?
    Falling levels of progesterone and oestrogen
  • What effect does oestrogen have on FSH production?
    Stops FSH production
  • What does FSH cause in the ovaries?
    Egg maturation
  • What effect does progesterone have on the uterine lining?
    Causes it to thicken
  • What happens to the lining of the uterus during menstruation?
    It breaks down and passes out through the vagina
  • What triggers the development of a new egg in the ovary after menstruation?
    The release of FSH from the pituitary gland
  • What is the role of FSH in the menstrual cycle?
    It triggers the development of a new egg
  • What happens when the egg is fully developed inside the follicle?
    The follicle bursts and the egg is released
  • What is formed from the empty follicle after the egg is released?
    The corpus luteum
  • What triggers the release of the corpus luteum?
    The release of LH from the pituitary gland
  • On which day of the menstrual cycle does ovulation occur?
    On the 14th day
  • What happens to the uterine lining while the egg is developing?
    It starts to thicken for implantation
  • What occurs if fertilization does not happen?
    The egg dissolves and the lining falls away
  • How does the menstrual cycle begin again after fertilization does not occur?
    The egg dissolves and the lining falls away