Genes consists of DNA strands. DNA produces instructions for general physical features of an organism such as eye colour
Neural explanation
Explanation of behaviour in terms of dysfunction of the brain and nervous system
Genetic explanation
The DNA a person inherits from their parents may give them a predisposition to criminal behaviour
Twin and adoption studies
3500 twin pairs in Denmark found concordance rates for offender behaviour
Concordance rates for MZ male twins was 35% and 13% for DZ male twins
Adopted children whose biological mother had a criminal record had a 50% risk of having a criminal record whereas adopted children whose biological mother did not have a criminal record had a 5% risk
Candidate genes
Genetic analysis on 800 Finnish offenders found that there are 2 genes associated with violent crime
The MAOA gene regulates serotonin and dopamine in the brain and having lowlevels can lead to aggressivebehaviour
CDH13 has been linked to substance abuse and ADHD
5-10% of severe crimes in Finland is caused by these genes
Diathesis stress model
A tendency towards offending behaviour may come about through the combination of genetics and a biological and psychological trigger
Research to support the diathesis stress model
Longitudinal study done on over 1,000 males from birth to adulthood over 20 years
Maltreated children who also had a low activity MAOA gene were more likely to develop antisocial behaviour
The genetics and the environment that work together to make someone criminal
Neural Explanation
Evidence suggests there may be neural differences in the brains of offenders and non offenders
People develop antisocial personality disorder
APD is associated with reduced emotional response and a lack of empathy
Prefrontalcortex research
41offenders that committed murder were compared to a control group
All their brains were scanned
The murderer's brains had reduced activity in the prefrontal cortex which regulates emotional behaviour
Another study found that those with APD have 11% reduction of grey matter in the prefrontal cortex
Mirror neurons
Offenders can experience empathy but only in specific situations
They can only empathise when they are asked to empathise
APD individuals have a 'switch' than can be turned on and off
AO3 Genetic Explanation: Issues with twin evidence
A limitation of twin studies is that they assume they have the same environments
As twins are brought up together it is assumed their environment is the same
This may only hold true to MZ twins as they are identical so may also be treated similarly by everyone
Concordance rates for MZ twins may be higher because they are treated more similarly
AO3 Genetic Explanation: Support for diathesis-stress model
Study of 13000 Danish adoptees
When neither biological or adoptive parents had convictions the chances adoptees were convicted was 13.5%
When either parents had convictions it rose to 20% and rose to 24.5% when both parents had convictions
Genetic inheritance plays an important role in offending but environmental influence is also important providing support for the diathesis stress model
AO3 BiologicalExplanation: Nature and Nurture
Both nature and nurture may play factors in contributing to criminal behaviour
There are biological implications to committing crime due to having low activity of the MAOA gene
The environmental implications may be social factors such as poverty and family
AO3 Neural Explanation: Brain evidence
Supports for the link between crime and the frontal lobe
Reviewed evidence of frontal lobe damage and antisocial behaviour
People with such damage tended to show impulsive behaviour, emotional stability and an inability to learn from their mistakes
Supports the idea that brain damage may be a causal factor in offending behaviour
AO3Neural Explanation: Interveningvariables
The link between neuraldifferences and APD is complex
Other factors may contribute to APD and offending
A group of males were studied that scored high on psychopathy
They had risk factors such as being raised by a convict or being physically neglected
These variables are complex and there may be other variables present