A biological approach to offending that attributes criminal activity to the fact that offenders are genetic throwbacks that cannot conform to the rules of modern society. They can be distinguished by particular facial features
Offenders were seen as lackingevolutionarydevelopment and their savage and untamed nature meant they would find it impossible to adjust to the demands of society
Lombroso saw offending as a natural tendency rooted in the genes
Offending was innate for these people so are not to blame
Atavistic form physical characteristics
In possession of particular physiological markers linked to particular types of offences
Makes offenders physically different to everyone else
Narrow sloping brow
Strong prominent jaw
High cheekbones
Facial asymmetry
Atavistic form characteristics
Insensitivity to pain
Use of slang
Offender types
Murderer- bloodshot eyes, curly hair and long ears
Sexual deviants- glinting eyes, swollen fleshy lip and projecting ears
Fraudsters- lips were thin
Lombroso's research
Examined the facial features of many Italian convicts both dead and alive and concluded there was an 'atavistic form'
These features were key indicators of criminality
Lombroso examined the skulls of 383 dead convicts and 3839 living ones and concluded 40% of criminal acts are committed by people with atavistic characteristics
AO3Historical Approach: Poor control
Lombroso's research was poorly controlled as it was correlational
Investigate relationship between physical defects and criminal behaviour
Did not compare with a control group
Physical defects could have been due to social conditions such as poverty and poor educational outcomes
AO3 Historical Approach: Lombroso's legacy
Lombroso's research changed the face of the study of crime
Credited for shifting crime research to something more scientific and credible
Evolutionary influences and genetics are considered
Research also lead to the beginning of offender profiling by suggesting particular people commit particular crimes
AO3 Historical Approach: Racial Prejudice
Lombroso's work has racist undertones
Atavistic features he identified such as curly hair and dark skin can be mostly found among Africans
The theory may be more subjective than objective and may have been influenced by racial prejudices
AO3 Historical Approach: Contradictory Evidence
Contradicts link between atavism and crime
3000 offender and 3000 non-offenders were compared and concluded that there is no evidence that offenders are a distinct group with unusual characteristics
Challenges the idea that offenders can be physically distinguished from the rest of the population