3.6.3 Skeletal muscles are stimulated to contract by nerves

Cards (53)

  • Damage to myelin sheaths of neurons can lead to problems controlling the contraction of muscles. Suggest one reason why. (2)

    • Action potentials travel more slowly
    • So delay in muscle contraction / muscles don’t contract / muscles contract slower
  • Cannabinoid receptors are found on the pre-synaptic membrane of neuromuscular junctions. When a cannabinols binds to its receptors, it closes calcium ion channels. (4)
    • Prevents influx of calcium ions into pre-synaptic membrane
    • Synaptic vesicles don’t fuse with membrane / vesicles don’t release neurotransmitter
    • Neurotransmitter does not diffuse across synapse / does not bind to receptors on post-synaptic membrane
    • No action potential / depolarisation (of post-synaptic membrane) / sodium ion channels do not open / prevents influx of sodium ions.
  • Describe the role of ATP in muscle contraction. (2)
    • to break actinomyosin bridges
    • to move / bend the myosin head
    • so actin filaments are moved inwards
    • for active transport of calcium ions into the sarcoplasmic / endoplasmic reticulum
  • Fast twitch (skeletal) muscles are used during short-term or intense exercise.
  • Slow twitch (skeletal) muscle fibres are used during long term exercise.
  • What is the role of ATP in myofibril contraction (2)
    • reaction with ATP allows the binding of myosin to actin / breaks actinomyosin bridge
    • provides energy to move myosin head
  • Describe the role of calcium ions and ATP in muscle contraction (5)
    • Ca2+ uncovers binding site on actin
    • Ca2+ binding to troponin / moving tropomyosin
    • allows myosin heads to attach to actin filaments
    • allows sliding of actin and myosin filament
    • binding of ATP causes myosin head to detach from actin filament
    • hydrolysis of ATP releases energy
    • which changes the configuration of myosin head
  • Actin and myosin are two protein filaments that make up the structure of a sarcomere.
  • Calcium ions bind to troponin, causing tropomyosin to move and expose myosin-binding sites on actin filaments.
  • Phosphocreatine is a molecule that provides a rapid source of energy by regenerating ATP during intense muscle activity.
  • Use your knowledge of how myosin and actin interact to suggest how the myosin molecule moves the mitochondrion towards the presynaptic membrane. (2)
    • myosin head attaches to actin and performs power stroke
    • pulls mitochondria past/along the actin
    • next myosin head attaches to actin and performs power stroke
  • Suggest and explain one advantage of the movement of mitochondria towards the presynaptic membrane when nerve impulses arrive at the synapse. (2)
    • mitochondria supply ATP / energy
    • to move vesicles / for active transport of ions / for myosin to move past actin
    • re-synthesis and absorption of neurotransmitter
  • Slow-twitch muscle fibres contract slowly and for longer periods of time, so they fatigue slowly. They are used for posture and endurance activities.
  • Slow-twitch muscle fibres have a high density of mitochondria so rely on aerobic respiration for energy. They have a high concentration of myoglobin, a red protein which stores oxygen so appear dark in colour.
  • Slow-twitch muscle fibres have small stores of glycogen and phosphocreatine, while fast-twitch muscle fibres have large stores, which are used for quick bursts of energy.
  • Fast-twitch muscles contract quickly but relax rapidly. They fatigue easily and are used for rapid movements, such as sprinting.
  • Fast-twitch muscle fibres have a low density of mitochondria so rely on anaerobic respiration for energy. They have a low concentration of myoglobin.
  • Skeletal muscles, which contain both slow-twitch and fast-twitch fibres, work in antagonistic pairs to allow movement.
  • Myofibrils are composed of two types of protein filaments: thick filaments made of myosin and thin filaments made of actin
  • The repeating unit within a myofibril is called a sarcomere.
  • The Z line is located at the end of the sarcomere and it is where sarcomeres are joined together.
  • A band: The dark band under a microscope, representing the entire length of the myosin filament.
  • I band: The light band, consisting of actin filaments only.
  • H-zone: A lighter region within the A band, containing only myosin filaments and no overlapping actin.
  • M-line: Located at the centre of the sarcomere, it serves as an attachment point for myosin filaments.
  • Myofibrils are located in the sarcoplasm, the cytoplasm of muscle fibres.
  • When sarcomeres contract, the A band remains the same length since myosin filaments do not change length during contraction.
  • When sarcomeres contract, the I band shortens in length as the actin filaments slide towards the centre of the sarcomere, overlapping more with the myosin filament.
  • When muscle fibre (sarcomeres) contract, the H band shortens in length because the actin filaments slide inwards during contraction, they fill in the H-zone, causing it to shorten and eventually disappear at full contraction.
  • The sarcoplasm is the muscle fibre cytoplasm.
  • The sarcolemma folds inwards to the sarcoplasm at certain points. The inwards folds are called transverse (T) tubules.
  • The sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) is an organelle in the sarcoplasm. It is a store of calcium ions.
  • Muscle fibres have many mitochondria and nuclei. The mitochondria provide lots of ATP to power muscle contraction.
  • Slow twitch fibres are found in muscles in the back and neck.
  • Fast twitch fibres are found in muscles in the arms and legs.
  • A neuromuscular junction is a synapse between a motor neuron and a muscle fibre.
  • During intense exercise, the sarcoplasmic reticulum of muscle fibres becomes less efficient at reabsorbing calcium ions. Explain how this could affect muscle contraction and relaxation. (4 marks)
    • Calcium ions remain in the cytoplasm for longer, binding to troponin continuously.
    • Tropomyosin remains displaced, keeping actin-binding sites exposed.
    • This prolongs muscle contraction and delays relaxation.
    • Muscle fatigue occurs as the fibres cannot reset properly.
  • Explain the importance of acetylcholinesterase in the neuromuscular junction. (2 marks)
    • Breaks down acetylcholine in the synaptic cleft.
    • Prevents continuous stimulation of the muscle fibre, ensuring muscle relaxation.
  • Describe the sequence of events that occurs at the neuromuscular junction leading to muscle contraction. (4 marks)
    • Action potential arrives at the presynaptic membrane.
    • Voltage-gated calcium ion channels open, and calcium ions enter the presynaptic neuron.
    • Synaptic vesicles release acetylcholine into the synaptic cleft via exocytosis.
    • Acetylcholine binds to receptors on the sarcolemma, opening sodium ion channels, leading to depolarization of the muscle fibre.
  • What is the role of calcium ions in muscle contraction?
    • They bind to troponin, causing tropomyosin to move.