Damage to myelin sheaths of neurons can lead to problems controlling the contraction of muscles. Suggest one reason why. (2)
Action potentials travel more slowly
So delay in muscle contraction / muscles don’t contract / muscles contract slower
Cannabinoid receptors are found on the pre-synaptic membrane of neuromuscular junctions. When a cannabinols binds to its receptors, it closes calcium ion channels. (4)
Prevents influx of calcium ions into pre-synaptic membrane
Neurotransmitter does not diffuse across synapse / does not bind to receptors on post-synaptic membrane
No action potential / depolarisation (of post-synaptic membrane) / sodium ion channels do not open / prevents influx of sodium ions.
Describe the role of ATP in muscle contraction. (2)
to break actinomyosin bridges
to move / bend the myosin head
so actin filaments are moved inwards
for activetransport of calcium ions into the sarcoplasmic / endoplasmic reticulum
What is the role of ATP in myofibril contraction (2)
reaction with ATP allows the binding of myosin to actin / breaks actinomyosinbridge
provides energy to move myosin head
Describe the role of calcium ions and ATP in muscle contraction (5)
Ca2+ uncovers bindingsite on actin
Ca2+ binding to troponin / moving tropomyosin
allows myosin heads to attach to actin filaments
allows sliding of actin and myosin filament
binding of ATP causes myosinhead to detach from actinfilament
hydrolysis of ATP releases energy
which changes the configuration of myosinhead
Use your knowledge of how myosin and actin interact to suggest how the myosin molecule moves the mitochondrion towards the presynaptic membrane. (2)
myosin head attaches to actin and performs power stroke
pulls mitochondria past/along the actin
next myosinhead attaches to actin and performs power stroke
Suggest and explain one advantage of the movement of mitochondria towards the presynaptic membrane when nerve impulses arrive at the synapse. (2)
mitochondria supply ATP / energy
to move vesicles / for active transport of ions / for myosin to move past actin
re-synthesis and absorption of neurotransmitter
During intense exercise, the sarcoplasmic reticulum of muscle fibres becomes less efficient at reabsorbing calcium ions. Explain how this could affect muscle contraction and relaxation. (4 marks)
Calcium ions remain in the cytoplasm for longer, binding to troponin continuously.