A predisposition to perceive competitive sport as threatening & to respond to this perceived threat with varying levels of state anxiety
Competitive Trait Anxiety (CTA)
Competition causes anxiety
Being judged/evaluated
Trait anxiety = part of personality is consistent, predictable
Consistent, predictable well on the other hand state can change quickly
CTA = CognitiveTraitAnxiety
Competitive Trait Anxiety (CTA)
Have trait anxiety, but situation can override
Elite high in competitive anxiety, but have copying skills to help learn how to control part of personality
Low in trait anxiety, doesn’t mean you won’t be stressed in a situation
State Anxiety
A current emotional state or mood characterised by feelings of apprehension & muscle tension and associated with negative affect [ie., affect = emotions, feelings, moods]
Can change quickly
Can be influenced by personality; but if not situation/demands may result in state anxiety
State Anxiety Subcomponents:
Cognitive State Anxiety [thoughts/emotions; eg. worries]
Somatic State Anxiety [physical/physiological; eg.arousal/activation -- muscle tension, HR]
* Cognitive & Somatic Anxiety don't follow the same pattern
State Anxiety Subcomponents:
Cognitive State Anxiety [thoughts/emotions; eg. worries]
Worried not gonna perform to standards, win etc
Somatic State Anxiety [physical/physiological; eg.arousal/activation - muscle tension, HR]
Body responses to stress or a situation
State Anxiety Subcomponents:
* Cognitive & Somatic Anxiety don't follow the same pattern
But are related
Can have stressful thoughts, but body doesn’t respond
Or people thoughts relaxed but physiological responses are high
Important to know what one is affecting performance
Do both impact performance, & can influence each other
Relationship Bw/ Trait & State Anxiety
Not a direct 'one-to-one' relationship
Correlations are moderate (approx. r = .70)
Are related
Good odds, but not perfect
Relationship Bw/ Trait & State Anxiety
Trait = part of personality, predisposed to state anxiety
More likely but not a given, can have coping skills to reduce this
Arousal - motivation - stress that may lead to state anxiety