Biological molecules

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  • In terms of Starch, what does SASUC stand for?
    S- Starch is a storage polysaccharide in plants
    A - It consists of Amylose and Amylopectin molecules
    S- Starch is soluble in hot water (not usually hot)
    U- starch is Used as an energy source when needed
    C - starch is a carbohydrate made of glucose unit
  • For glycogen, what does GGSSD stand for?
    G- Glycogen is a globular molecule with several branches
    G- Glucose storage polysaccharide in animals
    S- Glycogen is soluble in water for easy movement
    S- short term energy reserve in animals
    D- Glycogen is densely packed with glucose units
  • In terms of tryglycerides and phospholipids, what does "Triglycerides have three tails, Phospholipids have two tales" mean?
    Triglycerides have three fatty acid tails, while phospholipids have two fatty acid tails and a phosphate group.
  • In terms of protein structures, what does PTSQ mean?
    P- Primary structure: think peptide chain, it is the order of amino acids in the chain.
    T- Secondary structure: Think 'twist' or 'turn' due to alpha helix and beta pleated sheets
    S- Tertiary structure: think 'structure' as it refers to the 3d structure of the entire protein
    Q- Quaternary structure: Think 'Quartet' as it is several subunits bonding and working together as a team.
  • What does 'Glycogen gets Glucose' ready mean?
    Glycogen refers to the storage form of glucose in animals
    Gets refers to enzymes breaking glycosidic bonds to access glucose
    Glucose refers to the primary source of energy in cells
    Ready refers to how Glycogen stores glucose in a form that is readily available.