Energy from lightexcites the highestenergyelectrons, so they escape the pigment.
Some of the energyfromelectronsreleased is conserved in the production of ATP and reducedNADP
Water is hydrolysed by lightenergy to form 2protons,2electrons and oneoxygen.
Chemiosmotic Theory
Electrons are brought to the thylakoid membranes by NAPH
They are transferreddown the electron transfer chain via electron carriers from the stroma to the thylakoid space; each of a lowersuccessiveenergylevel so energy is lost.
This energy is used to pumpH+ions into the thylakoidspace from the stroma via active transport using Hydrogen pumps.
H+ions move through ATP synthase via facilitated diffusion back into the Stroma, with the energyreleased used to produceATP.
Electrons at the end of the electron transfer chainreduceNAPH to be used in the Calvin Cycle.
The movement of H+ions through ATPSynthase is called chemiosmosis.
Light Dependent Reaction occurs in the thylakoidspace