
Cards (46)

  • What is the Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI)?
    • A measure of androgyny
    • Participants rate themselves on 60 traits
    • Scores on masculinity and femininity dimensions
  • What traits are included in the BSRI?
    20 masculine, 20 feminine, and 20 neutral traits.
  • What is the focus of the video on gender for AQA level paper?
    It covers the main content of the gender unit.
  • What is the difference between sex and gender?
    Sex refers to biological differences; gender refers to psychological traits.
  • What is a sexual stereotype?
    A culturally shared set of expectations for behavior.
  • What does androgyny mean?
    Having a balanced mixture of masculine and feminine traits.
  • What did Bem argue about androgynous individuals?
    They are more psychologically healthy than others.
  • What percentage of males and females were found to be androgynous in Bem's study?
    24% of males and 27% of females.
  • What is the undifferentiated type in the BSRI?
    Individuals with few masculine or feminine traits.
  • What does high test-retest reliability of the BSRI indicate?
    It produces consistent results over time.
  • How can awareness of gender identity reduce stereotyping?
    It separates gender identity from biological sex.
  • What did Smith and Lloyd find in their 1987 study?
    Adults gave toys according to sex role stereotypes.
  • What did Mead find in her 1935 study?
    Examples of feminine males and masculine females in tribes.
  • What determines biological sex according to chromosomes?
    The 23rd chromosome pair determines biological sex.
  • What does the Y chromosome contain that affects sex determination?
    The sex-determining region that develops testes.
  • What role do hormones play in gender development?
    They influence biological development and behavior.
  • What is testosterone linked to in males?
    Development of male genitals and aggressive behavior.
  • What is the function of estrogen in females?
    It regulates menstruation and develops female characteristics.
  • What is oxytocin known as?
    The love hormone that promotes bonding.
  • What did Van Bechavel find regarding gender identity in twins?
    70% of variance linked to genetics.
  • What did Wagner's study on castrated male mice reveal?
    Testosterone reinstated aggressive behavior after castration.
  • What are atypical sex chromosome patterns?
    Variations in the 23rd chromosome pair from typical patterns.
  • What is Klinefelter syndrome?
    XXY pattern affecting biological males.
  • What are the psychological effects of Turner syndrome?
    High verbal skills but low visual ability.
  • What is a limitation of using research on atypical sex chromosome patterns?
    They are statistically rare and may have unique experiences.
  • What are the stages of cognitive gender development according to Kohlberg?
    1. Gender Identity (2-3 years)
    2. Gender Stability (4-5 years)
    3. Gender Consistency (over 5 years)
  • What is the first stage of gender identity development?
    Children recognize their own gender.
  • What happens in the gender stability stage?
    Children understand their gender is fixed over time.
  • What is the significance of same-gender role models after the consistency stage?
    Children identify with and imitate same-gender individuals.
  • What is gender schema theory?
    It suggests children develop mental representations of gender behaviors.
  • At what age do children start developing gender schemas?
    Around two years old.
  • What are in-groups and out-groups in gender schema theory?
    In-groups are the child's gender; out-groups are the opposite gender.
  • What did Martin and Little find regarding children's preferences for toys?
    Children showed strong preferences for gender-appropriate toys.
  • What does social learning theory suggest about gender behavior?
    It is learned through observation and reinforcement.
  • What is vicarious reinforcement in social learning theory?
    Learning by observing others being rewarded.
  • How does differential reinforcement work?
    Boys are praised for competitive behavior; girls for quiet play.
  • What did Smith and Lloyd's study reveal about gendered behavior in infants?
    Infants were given toys based on their clothing gender.
  • What is the role of media in shaping gender roles?
    Media reinforces culturally approved gender stereotypes.
  • What did Mead's research support regarding culture and gender roles?
    It showed evidence of non-western gender roles.
  • How does cultural change affect media representations of gender roles?
    Media reflects cultural changes in gender roles.