
Subdecks (2)

Cards (13)

  • Validity
    refers to whether a result is accurate
  • Internal validity
    the extent to which the researcher is measuring what they intend to measure.
  • External Validity
    The extent to which the findings from the study can be generalised to other environments, people and times.
  • ecological validity
    results from the study are accurate, done in real world environments. High mundane realism is when behaviour takes place in real life environment.
  • temporal validity
    -results from a study are accurate overtime, still to this day.
    -E.g. Asch's line study has low temporal validity as conformity rates were high when doing the study. It was called a child of it's time as people were more likely to conform.
  • population validity
    -Results from the study can be generalised to other people. Bias sample lacks population validity.
    -E.g. Milgram and Asch's study just had men taking part so can only be generalised to men not women. A stratified sample should be used.