Improving Validity

Cards (5)

  • Experiments
    -using a control group, the researcher can better assess whether changes to the dependent variable due to the effect of the independent variable.
    -Use standardised procedures to minimise the impact of PP reactivity and investigator effects on the validity.
  • Questionnaires
    -Lie scale with questions in order to access the consistency of responses and to control the effects of social desirability bias.
    -If the data submitted was anonymous the validity is further increased.
  • Interview
    -Guarantee confidentiality so more likely to be honest.
    -Use similar interviewer (characteristics) e.g. gender, age
    -Make the interview unstructured so interviewee may feel more comfortable and less intimidated.
    -Replace closed questions with open questions and get rid of misleading and ambiguous questions.
  • Observation
    -Observational research produces findings that have high ecological validity as minimal intervention from the researcher.
    -This is the case in covert observations meaning that all behaviour of those observed is likely to be natural.
    -Behavioural categories that are too broad, overlapping or ambiguous may impact the validity of data.
  • -Qualitative data
    -Qualitative data has higher ecological validity than quantitative, less interpretive.
    -depth and detail associated with case studies and interviews.