Part 2: Extrinsic Rewards & Intrinsic Motivation

Cards (13)

  • Extrinsic Rewards & Intrinsic Motivation
    • eg Discounts to encourage adherence/keep coming back (to gym) = extrinsic
  • Cognitive Evaluation Theory (Deci, 1975; Deci & Ryan, 2002)
    • At subconscious level
    • Theory to explain the differential effects of rewards on intrinsic motivation (I.M.)
    • Critical aspect ⇒ evaluation, interpretation, or perception of the reward; NOT the reward per say
    • Extrinsic rewards are not necessarily good or bad!
    • Subtheory of self-determining theory 
    • Will be in exam 
  • Cognitive Evaluation Theory
    • Theory to explain the differential effects of rewards on intrinsic motivation (I.M.)
    • But other times same extrinsic reward can decrease intrinsic motivation 
    • Depends on how interpret the reward  
  • Cognitive Evaluation Theory
    • Critical aspect ⇒ evaluation, interpretation, or perception of the reward; NOT the reward per say
    • Uniquely interpret reward 
    • May be interpreted not as you intended 
  • Cognitive Evaluation Theory
    • Extrinsic rewards are not necessarily good or bad!
    • How perceive/interpret the reward that matters 
    • 2 aspects/perceptions of a reward that affect I.M
    • That influence if extrinsic reward helps or not
  • Cognitive Evaluation Theory
    1. Controlling Aspect (internal vs. external)
    2. Informational Aspect (about self-competence)
  • Cognitive Evaluation Theory
    • Controlling Aspect (internal vs. external)
    • Am I in control of how I earn the reward ? Bc/ of how how I play
    • Helps intrinsic motivation (positive)
    • Or do I have to play well to receive reward 
    • Reward now controlling you 
    • Only compete for reward (extrinsic motivation)
  • Cognitive Evaluation Theory
    • Informational Aspect (about self-competence)
    • Connected to controlling aspect 
    • I feel like in control of earning that info - you have earned it, receiving them cause are good at what you do (competent)
    • Internal reward - satisfaction, accomplishment 
    • Cherry on top = positive way 
    • Only playing to keep getting paid 
    • Negative way
    • Person paying them is in control 
    • Affect stress, enjoyment
  • Cognitive Evaluation Theory - The 2C’s
    • Control & Information of Competence 
    • If have control & the information given insight of our competence 
    • If in charge of rewards make sure they can connect the dots 
    • Not just quantity but the quality
    • Quality more important
  • Cognitive Evaluation Theory
    • Any reward has potential controlling and/or informational aspects: perception is the key!
    • In or out of my control 
    • Doing for praise 
    • Info about competence or not 
    • If everyone gets same rewards, what’s that say about my competence 
    • Is not a either or is a bit of both 
    • Rewards (control) giving information of competence 
    • Balancing it is a challenge
  • cognitive Evaluation Theory
    • Balance between Informational & Controlling Aspects:
    • Increase feelings of self-competence/self-control → increase intrinsic motivation (IM)
    • Decrease feelings of self-competence/self-control → decrease intrinsic motivation (IM)
    • Not necessarily good or bad depends on how is perceived
  • Cognitive Evaluation Theory
    • ‘Balance’ between Informational & Controlling Aspects:
    • Increase feelings of self-competence/self-control → increase IM
    • Even if is a huge extrinsic reward 
    • Decrease feelings of self-competence/self-control → decrease IM
    • No info from reward about competence (others get same, or get nothing)
    • Are you just plating for reward 
    • Not necessarily good or bad depends on how is perceived
  • Rewards: 
    • Trophies, trinkets, payment etc