gender bias

    Cards (33)

    • What does the term bias suggest in psychology?
      Views are distorted in some way
    • How does gender bias affect treatment of males and females?
      It leads to differential treatment based on stereotypes
    • What did Freud mean by 'anatomy is destiny'?
      Genuine psychological differences exist due to physiology
    • What is 'penis envy' according to Freud?
      Young girls suffer from a desire for male anatomy
    • What is the challenge in distinguishing gender differences?
      Real differences vs. culturally created differences
    • How many real gender differences did Maccoby and Jacklin identify?
      Four differences
    • What is one difference between boys and girls identified by Maccoby and Jacklin?
      Girls have greater verbal ability
    • What is another difference identified by Maccoby and Jacklin?
      Boys have greater visual and spatial abilities
    • At what stage does the difference in arithmetical ability appear?
      At adolescence
    • How do girls compare to boys in terms of aggression?
      Girls are less aggressive than boys
    • What does androcentrism mean?
      Being centered on or dominated by males
    • What are the two types of gender bias proposed by Hare-Mustin and Marecek?
      Alpha bias and beta bias
    • What does alpha bias exaggerate?
      Differences between males and females
    • How did Freud's psychoanalytic approach illustrate alpha bias?
      It claimed girls develop weaker superegos
    • What criticism is directed at the evolutionary approach in psychology?
      It justifies outdated gender differences
    • What does beta bias traditionally do regarding sex differences?
      Ignores or minimizes sex differences
    • Whose stage theory of moral development was based on boys?
      Kohlberg's stage theory
    • What did Carol Gilligan find about women's moral decision-making?
      Women focus more on relationships
    • What did Rosenthal's research reveal about male experimenters?
      They were more pleasant to female participants
    • What did Taylor et al. (2000) find about the stress response in females?
      Females produce a tend-and-befriend response
    • What is the consequence of beta bias in psychological research?
      It creates a male or androcentric bias
    • What did Asch's conformity studies involve?
      All male participants
    • What recent evidence challenges Darwin's theory of sexual selection?
      DNA evidence shows women can be competitive
    • How do some psychologists attempt to reduce gender bias?
      By emphasizing the value of women
    • What did Cornwell et al. (2013) note about females?
      They are better at learning due to attentiveness
    • What does feminist psychology aim to do?
      Restore imbalance in psychological theories
    • What did Eagly (1978) claim about female leaders?
      Females are less effective leaders than males
    • What research criteria did Worrell (1992) suggest for non-gender biased research?
      Study diverse samples and collaborate with participants
    • What change has occurred in psychology regarding gender bias?
      Research methodology and theories have evolved
    • What did Carol Gilligan propose about moral understanding?
      Men and women have different moral reasoning
    • How can gender bias affect males?
      Alpha bias can heighten the value of women
    • Why might women be more likely diagnosed with depression?
      Diagnostic systems may be biased towards women
    • What masculine trait may affect male depression diagnosis?
      The expectation to 'pull themselves together'
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