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  • What is the market mix discussed in the video?
    Product, Price, Promotion, Place
  • How does the design mix influence product design?
    It sets priorities for product characteristics
  • What does aesthetics refer to in product design?
    How the product appeals to the senses
  • What does function refer to in product design?
    How well the product performs its task
  • What does economic manufacturer cost refer to?
    The cost to produce the product
  • Which product would prioritize economic manufacturer cost?
    Aldi's own brand cereal
  • What is the product life cycle?
    Stages a product goes through over time
  • What are the four stages of the product life cycle?
    Introduction, Growth, Maturity, Decline
  • What happens during the introduction stage of the product life cycle?
    The product is launched and marketed heavily
  • What occurs during the growth stage of the product life cycle?
    - product is likely to become more popular and sales will increase rapidly
    - customer reviews and word of mouth may replace forms of promotion
    - the business may choose to raise the price of the product if it thinks it will maintain demand even at a higher price
  • What is the maturity stage in the product life cycle?
    - growth will now slow down but sales will be at peak
    - a business will br likely to have repeat purchases as there is a limit to the number of new customers that are interested in buying the product
    - they may use promotional techniques to remind people about the product
    - a business is likely yo be able to benefit from economies of scale and therefore maximise profitability
  • What is the decline stage in the product life cycle?
    The product experiences a decrease in sales as the product loses popularity
    - they may need to lower the product's price and use a variety of promotional methods to encourage customers to buy the product again
    - a business has to decide whether to discontinue the product or attempt an extension strategy
  • What is an extension strategy?
    Actions to prolong a product's sales life
  • How did Apple use an extension strategy for the iPad?
    By introducing the iPad Mini and iPad Pro
  • Why do technology products often have short life cycles?
    Due to rapid innovation and competition
  • What is a differentiating feature in product marketing?
    A characteristic that makes a product stand out
  • Why might a business choose not to differentiate its product?
    To focus on being a low-cost provider
  • What are the two pricing strategies mentioned?
    High price and low price
  • What must a high price indicate about a product?
    It must be of sufficient quality
  • How does price relate to product quality?
    Price must match the product's quality level
  • What is the relationship between high price and sales volume?
    Higher prices usually lead to lower sales volume
  • What factors can affect the price set for a product?
    Brand, technology, and competition
  • How does branding influence pricing?
    A strong brand can justify higher prices
  • How can technology impact pricing strategies?
    It can lower production costs or create differentiation
  • How does competition affect pricing decisions?
    More competition usually leads to lower prices
  • What is the purpose of advertising in promotion?
    To reach and engage the target audience
  • What are some methods of advertising mentioned?
    TV, radio, print, online
  • How should advertising be tailored?
    It should link to the target audience
  • Where would you advertise to reach young women?
    During a show like Love Island
  • Where would you advertise to reach an older audience?
    On Classic FM radio
  • Where would you place an ad for children's toys?
    In children's magazines
  • What are the key components of the market mix?
    • Product
    • Price
    • Promotion
    • Place
  • What are the stages of the product life cycle?
    1. Introduction
    2. Growth
    3. Maturity
    4. Decline
  • What are the priorities in the design mix?
    • Aesthetics
    • Function
    • Economic Manufacturer
  • What is the relationship between price and product quality?
    • High price indicates high quality
    • Low price indicates lower quality
  • What are the methods of promotion discussed?
    • Advertising (TV, radio, print, online)
    • Targeting specific audiences
  • Why is it important to link advertising to the target audience?
    To ensure the advertisement reaches the right viewers
  • Where would you likely advertise to target young women?
    During a show like Love Island
  • What type of audience does Classic FM typically attract?

    Older audience
  • How can print advertising be targeted effectively?
    By using specific magazines for niches