Thermal physics

Cards (23)

  • What is the internal energy of a gas?
    Sum of kinetic and potential energies
  • What can be said about the internal energy of an ideal gas?
    It equals the kinetic energy of particles
  • What is specific heat capacity?
    Energy to raise 1 kg by 1 degree
  • What equation calculates energy required to raise temperature?
    E = mc(change in T)
  • What is the unit for specific heat capacity?
  • What is activation energy?
    Minimum energy for a chemical process
  • What does the gradient of a temperature-energy graph represent?
    1 / Specific Heat Capacity
  • How do particles transfer energy between themselves?
    Through random collisions with each other
  • What is the formula for energy in relation to temperature?
    E = 2kT3\frac{2 kT}{3}
  • What is the term for the energy required for chemical processes to occur?
    Activation energy
  • What happens if 2kT3\frac{2 kT}{3} is less than the activation energy?

    The reaction will be unable to occur
  • At what range of activation energy do reactions occur at an appreciable rate?
    Between 15kT and 30kT
  • How do particles exchange energy?
    Through random collisions
  • What determines the probability of a particle gaining enough energy to move to a higher energy level?
    Random collisions
  • How does the number of particles on each energy level change?
    It decreases exponentially with each level up
  • What is the Boltzmann factor?
    The ratio of particles on different energy levels
  • If the Boltzmann factor is ½, what does this indicate?
    It is the ratio of particles between adjacent levels
  • What does the Boltzmann factor depend on?
    The process involved in energy movement
  • What does the Boltzmann factor ratio represent?
    The "jump" involved in energy levels
  • What is the equation for the Boltzmann factor?
    fB=f_B =eϵkT e^{-\frac{\epsilon}{kT}}
  • What does each symbol in the Boltzmann factor equation represent?
    f_B = Boltzmann factor, e = exponential factor, ε = activation energy, k = Boltzmann constant, T = temperature
  • What is the value of the Boltzmann constant?
    0.401 × 10<sup>-23</sup>
  • What is the unit of temperature in the Boltzmann factor equation?