Ellis' ABC model

    Cards (7)

    • Ellis' ABC model
      (A) Activating event
      (B) Beliefs
      (C) Consequences
    • (A) Activating event
      • irrational thoughts are triggered by negative events, we get depressed when we experience these
    • (B) Beliefs
      • Musturbation - the belief we must always succeed
      • Utopianism - the belief life is always meant to be fair
    • (C) Consequences
      • when activating events trigger irrational beliefs, there are emotional/behavioural consequences
      • these are unhealthy in the case of depression
    • (E) - Partial explanation
      • Ellis explains reactive depression but not all cases arise from activating events which suggests there must be other explanations
    • (E) + Practical application in CBT
      • lead to CBT, evidence supporting the idea of challenging irrational beliefs lowering depression
    • (E) - Doesn't explain all aspects of depression
      • explains why some people are more vulnerable than others but not the deeper/more complex symptoms
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