Role: try to solve international disputes and bring threats to world peace to the attention of the security council.
They must be independent and above national politics.
Powers are limited, UN decisions made in security council.
Economic and social council.
Central to supporting countries and develop according to UN's internationally agreed goals.
There were 54 members, elected for 3 year terms.
Role: oversee sustainable development and human rights.
5 regional development commisions.
Vital because economic depression was one of the key causes of WW2.
The trusteeship council. (Mandates commission)
Active afted WW2, old European empires had collapsed.
Role: Similar to League of Nations mandates commission.
Oversaw countries on the path to independence.
(Last time it was used was in 1994 when Palau gained independence)
Only meets as necessary.
International Court of Justice. (ICJ)
The ICJ sits at the Hague - Replaced the L of N's PICJ.
15 judges elected for 9 year terms.
Worked with the General assembly and Security council.
Role: To oversee disputes between nations according to international law + advises the UN and its agencies and commissions on a range of issues.
Works to maintain international peace - important role.
General Assmembly
All UN members sit in the Gen Assembly, it meets annually, or more often if necessary.
Elects non-permanent members of the security council, votes for ICJ judges and it appoints the secretary general based on security + council's recommendation.
Each country had one vote when dealing with issues
Recommendations in peace and security needed to be 2/3 majority to pass, rather than League's approach of unanimity
Security council.
15 countries sit on the security council, 5 of them being the permenant members which are China, France, Britain, Russia and the USA.
Non-permanent members are elected for 2 year terms.
Role: primary responsibility for maintaining international peace + security, also votes for ICJ judges.
SC enforces sanctions and authorises the use of force to maintain or restore international peace and security
Any excecutive decisions can be passed by a simple majority but must include all 5 permenant members (who have a right to vote)