1934 - 70% of central committee later executed/imprisoned
Seventeenth party congress - 1108 of them purged
Purge of the armed forces
Tortured until they confessed
Killed rather than imprisoned because of the chance they could come back (shot)
1937 - 8 generals arrested, charged with plotting against Stalin with Germany + Japan
Weren't trusted as they were appointed by Trotsky
Control of the people
Ordinary people denounced - work colleagues, family, friends, etc.
People believed society to be full of traitors and turned on each other.
'Target' of 28% found guilty to be executed, rest sent to the Gulags.
'Ravens' made arrests between 11pm and 3am : People were very fearful of them, and they drove around in black cars at night randomly knocking on peoples doors to announce them 'guilty'
Op order 00447, 250,000 identified as 'enemies of the state'