Cards (7)

  • How many stages of morpheme development are there?
  • what is stage one of morpheme development?
    12-26 months
    MLU is 1-2
    Basic phrases or sentences that show communicative intent
    EG more water, no juice
  • what is MLU?
    Mean length of utterance
  • what is stage two of morpheme development?
    27-30 months
    MLU is 2-2.5
    Present progressive (-ing verbs), prepositions in and on, -s plural
  • what is stage three of morpheme development?
    31-34 months
    MLU is 2.5-3
    Irregular past tense, possessive ’s, uncontractible copula be (Eg are, was)
  • what is stage four of morpheme developmen?
    35-40 months
    MLU is 3-3.75
    articles (the, a), past tense -ed verbs, 3rd person regular present tense
  • what is stage five of morpheme development?
    41 months onwards
    MLU is 3.75-4.5
    3rd person irregular, uncontractible auxiliary, contractiblue copula and contractible auxiliary