Subdecks (4)

Cards (33)

  • What is the telegraphic stage?
    From the age of 2 children begin to produce three and four word utterances
  • what is the level of grammar in the telegraphic stage?
    some utterances are grammatically complete but others will still have key elements missing
  • which key elements are missed in the telegraphic stage?
    articles eg ‘a’ and ‘the’
    auxiliary verbs eg ‘is’ and ‘has
    prepositions eg ‘to’ ‘on’ ‘for’
    conjunctions eg ‘but‘ and ‘because’
  • virtuous errors appear lots, often make verbs up
    eg ‘im souping’ for eating soup or ‘wented’ ’runned’
  • how is the telegraphic stage different from two word?
    the two part sentences are extended by adding a subject at the start, towards the end of the stage these are extended further by adding an adverbial
  • What happens to pronunciation?
    Becomes closer to the standard pronunciation but can still be wrong
  • what are the three stages to forming questions?
    1 intonation used to make a question
    2 rising intonation further used to assist phonology, more complex questions. Wh- words still used
    3 inversion of subject and verb used (‘i can go‘ to ‘can I go?’) quite close to standard formation