Tackling Crime

Cards (9)

  • Kinsey, Lea and Young 1986: police clear up rates are too low to act as a deterrent and police spend too little time investigating. Public must become more involved in determining the police's priorities and style of policing.
  • Military Police:
    1. police are losing public support specifically in inner cities
    2. flow of information (90% of crimes) dries up
    3. reliance on military policing
  • Military Policing Pt2:
    4. police swamp areas and use random stop and search
    5. alienated communities
    6. results in vicious circle
  • Police must be made accountable to local communities and deal with local concerns
  • Crime cannot be left to police alone rather a multi-agency approach is needed
  • Must tackle inequality of opportunity and improve communities to lower crime rates
  • we must become more tolerant of diveristy and cease stereotyping
  • New Labour: 'tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime'
  • Young: New Labour ASBO's did not recreate community and just adressed symptoms rather than causes of crime