Christians believe God is 3 persons in one. This idea is called the Trinity.
Each person of the Trinity is fully God but the 3 persons of the Trinity are not the same.
The Father is the creator of all life.
The Son is Jesus Christ who is both fully human and fully God.
The Holy Spirit is the unseen power of God at work in the world, especially answering prayers.
"We believe in one God, Father, Son and HolySpirit" - The Nicene Creed
Bible quote on the Trinity: "This is my Son whom I am well pleased"
Bible Quote on the Trinity: " The spirit of God was hovering over the waters."
Bible quote on the Trinity: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God."
Bible Quote on the Trinity: "We believe in.... the father.... we believe in Jesus Christ... we believe in the Holy Spirit."
The first way is to use the idea in their worship, such as singing about the Trinity in the church services, baptising Christians in the name of the Trinity. Apart from that Christians will also declare their faith in God as Three-in-One. "Baptise me in the name of the father, son and holyspirit"
The second way is to show their fellow human beings the same love and respect that flows between the three Persons of the Trinity. Christians show that same unity of love and equality in their relationships with others as human beings are said to be created in the image ofGod.